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Next Quick Race by G-Portal :: Silverstone 12min 11 Grid Open

Campionat MINI JCW UK

Hosted by A Tot Drap AMS2 on PC Followers Only
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Do you know where you're losing time? Delta users do. · Coach Dave Academy

Remove the mystery and unlock lap time with Delta 3.0. The sim racing companion app that is your data, setup, lap time, and race engineer.


Els diumenges, a les 22:00h CET, tindrà lloc el Campionat MINI JCW UK en Automobilista 2, en diferents circuits britànics, amb un total de 5 rondes i setup fixed (predeterminat).

El format de les curses és el següent:

  • PRACTICA - 5 minuts
  • CLASSIFICACIÓ - 10 minuts
  • CURSA - 25 minuts

Es limitarà a una graella de 12 pilots, amb una puntuació com la FIA.

La contrasenya del server es publicarà en el discord de l'equip, uns 5 minuts abans de les 22h. Cal estar en el discord de A TOT DRAP per poder-hi participar. https://discord.gg/GFvYkjYbta


A Tot Drap

66 Followers · 5 Events

Mini JCW UK 2,016
13 16

Event Communications

Keep up to date with all event related announcements and communications via A Tot Drap's Discord Server.

Classes & Cars

  • MINI Cooper JCW

No-Show Rules

Max Allowed Penalties
10 Points
No Show Penalty
0 Points
Withdrawals Allowed
Brought to you by
Do you know where you're losing time? Delta users do.

Remove the mystery and unlock lap time with Delta 3.0. The sim racing companion app that is your data, setup, lap time, and race engineer.

Brought to you by Coach Dave Academy
Learn More